Attributes of a Welding Inspector
are many types of welding inspectors, depending upon technical
requirements for the particular fabrication process or
processes. These include destructive testing specialists,
nondestructive examination specialists, code inspectors, military
inspectors, and owner’s representative inspectors. All of these may
consider themselves welding inspectors simply because they do inspect
welds. The fact that welding inspectors work in many different
industries performing so many quality-related tasks makes it
difficult to clearly and concisely describe what a welding inspector
is and how that job function is specifically performed. One
fundamental complication is that an individual may perform many
functions or only a single function. For example, it is common to
perform numerous aspects of welding quality control (e.g., welding
procedure qualification, welder qualification, in-process and final
visual examination, destructive testing, and final nondestructive
examination). However, it is also common for an individual involved
in welding inspection to perform only one of those tasks (e.g., a
non-destructive examination specialist).To Perform duties
effectively, the welding inspector must be in good physical
condition. Since the primary job involves visual inspection, it is
obvious that the welding inspector should have good vision, whether
natural or corrected. For instance, if colour or contrast is
important to the inspection process being employed (liquid penetrant,
magnetic particle, or colour coded parts) then an individual should
be tested for the ability to detect those colours. The AWS Certified
Welding Inspector (CWI) program requires a minimum 20/40 visual
acuity and the ability to perceive certain colours as determined
through actual testing. Physical conditioning also involves the
size of some welded structures. Since welds could be located anywhere
on a very large structure, the inspector must be capable of going to
the weld at any location to make an evaluation. The inspector
must comply with safety regulations when performing these duties. The
ability of the welding inspector to get to the work may be
reduced if the inspection is not performed immediately after
welding. For example, such aids for the welder as ladders and
scaffolding may be removed, making access impossible or dangerous.
Within safety guidelines, the welding inspector should not
be prevented from performing a proper inspection because of a
physical condition. Technical ability is also necessary for the
welding inspector to express ideas or inspection findings
effectively. Also, once an inspection has been performed, the inspector must be capable of describing the methods used and
subsequent results with sufficient accuracy to adequately
communicate to others familiar with the work being performed.
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